Trusting God's Guidance - Closer to God Newsletter

I'm so grateful you're here this week. You'll find your life will have much more meaning when you include God's word in it.

I absolutely love sharing it with you. With it, I've witnessed a positive change in my life through the years, and I know it can happen to you.

Let's start things off with a bit of self-analyzing...

Have you ever been frustrated when things don't go as planned?

Has anxiety entered your life when you can figure out your purpose or future plans?

Do you feel alone or insecure when making decisions in life?

If so, today's verse will help. It's well-known and for a good reason.

It's a wise verse, which means we'll go into the Old Testament and a book well known for giving sound advice- Proverbs.

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."


Proverbs 16:9 · New International Version

Here's a Brief Background...

The book of Proverbs is a collection of teachings and sayings mostly attributed to King Solomon.

He was widely known for being very wise and was also King David's son.

A lot of what Proverbs has to offer is practical guidance on daily living.

Like others in this book, today's verse contrasts our human understanding with God's divinity and perspective.

It points us to trust his guidance regarding our daily decisions and desires.

Let's Break It Down...

In their hearts humans plan their course.... In this translation, right off the bat, it clearly distinguishes we're making our decisions with our hearts. Sure, we use our minds to make choices, but our hearts convey our desires and point to the notion that we hold our direction and purpose at the core of our being.

but the Lord establishes their steps... Remember, God created us and loves us. He does not want us to fail. He has a plan and purpose for each of us; we just have to trust and put him first.

Take Some Action...

We inherently want to be in control of our destinies, but here are some suggestions on how to let God become the main guide in our choices and decisions...

Find Wisdom When Planning: How can we put God first? Prayer. Start with a prayer, asking him to take charge and inspire your desires—next, scripture. Seek out passages in the Bible that direct your decisions. His Word is there to guide you.

Make Plans with Open Hands: Be receptive to where the Holy Spirit will guide you. Have an open attitude that things may not go as you want to see them right away. Your course in life may take twists and turns until you find your way.

Trust is Key: To let go, we must trust God with everything. We have to relinquish our control to him and know in our hearts he has our backs and best interests in mind. There is no one better to give control over than God. He made us to succeed, he wants us to trust him completely.

Reflect and Readjust: Continue to reflect and pray on your choices and decisions. See where God may be redirecting or teaching you something new. Be willing to adjust your plans according to where God is leading you.

It's the Journey, not the Destination: God's plans involve growth, development, and a deepened faith journey. We learn perseverance, determination, and endurance when we don't seek our own quick fix or path to problems. God's purpose for us is a process that builds our character.

To Sum it All Up...

It seems sometimes, we're hardwired to go it alone and be in control.

If you study the Bible more, you'll see that going all the way back to the beginning in Genesis, making decisions without God involved can lead to serious consequences.

God wants us to trust him. He knows living in this broken world is hard, and bad "outcomes" surround us.

He gave us his Word in scripture to remind us there's no need to go it alone.

We can't go wrong with God on our side and directing our way. We won't get lost.

We will succeed when we put him first and follow his plan for us.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Dear God, my loving Father,

I need your help.

Sometimes I find myself trying to figure things out on my own, forgetting to seek your guidance first.

I know you love me deeply and have the best intentions for my life.

Please give me the wisdom and courage to trust you with my decisions so that I can walk a path filled with love and fulfillment.

Help me remember that your plans are always the best for me because you see everything, know everything, and created me with a unique purpose in mind.

I place my trust in you, now and always.


I hope today's message helps you and brings you Closer to God through his Word.

Please take the time to share it with others who would benefit from it.

Always remember, I'm praying for you. Please say a prayer for me.

Until next week, I hope you have a blessed day out there!


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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