Guided by Grace- Closer to God Newsletter

I'm deeply grateful for your presence here today.

It's truly inspiring to see you making the conscious effort to prioritize the Word of God in your life.

I hope today's message brings you Closer to God.

Let me share a personal experience. There was a time when I felt like I was running on empty, with no strength or inspiration left.

But then, I found solace in the Word of God.

Need more motivation? Wishing you had the strength and inspiration in your life to conquer whatever problems you face?

The verse we'll read today points to the power of God in your life.

It is a simple reminder that shows how when you feel you're alone, he is there with His Word, ready to guide and rejuvenate you.

Let's go to the Old Testament and the Book of Isaiah with a message of hope and encouragement....

"The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."


Isaiah 58:11 · New Living Translation

Here's a Brief Background...

Isaiah was one of the major prophets in Old Testament scripture.

His prophecies go beyond his own time and look into the future, promising salvation and the arrival of the Messiah, which Christians believe were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

The book of Isaiah holds a significant place in both Jewish and Christian traditions, seen as a profound collection of prophecies about judgment, redemption, and the hope of salvation.

Let's Break It Down...

"The Lord will guide you continually, You are not ever alone. God is with you constantly. That means always waiting to guide, help, and preserve you. All you have to do is let him into your heart and life.

Giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. This is a simple but effective metaphor. When you are thirsty, nothing satisfies more than a cool drink of water. When you are struggling, you need help and guidance. God in your life and his Word in your mind and heart will quench your spiritual thirst like nothing else.

You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. This is the outcome when God's Word is first and foremost in your life. He will guide you through life's storms; you will never spiritually thirst. You will flourish when you reset your mind and make him a priority every day.

Let's Take Some Action...

How can we invite God into our lives so we never feel alone? How can we become a source of never-ending faith and hope?

Here are some steps...

Seek God's Guidance Continually

Cultivate a daily habit of seeking God through prayer and meditation on His Word. Ask Him to guide your decisions, big and small, and trust He will lead you in every aspect of life.

Trust in God's Provision

Our faith is tested in challenging times, but Isaiah's words assure us that God will fulfill our needs, even in adversity. Trusting God means reflecting on His faithfulness and expressing gratitude for His provision.

Be a Source of Refreshment to Others

As you experience God's guidance, provision, and strength, you can become "like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Look for opportunities to serve, encourage, and support those around you. When you help others, it strengthens you.

Develop a Responsive Heart

Stay open and responsive to God's guidance. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone or make sacrifices when prompted. You'll experience the fullness of God's guidance and provision through obedience.

Putting it All Together...

It is a lot simpler than you think.

By letting God into your life, he will be your source of strength and motivation.

Find time in your day to listen to His Word.

Make the Bible, a passage, a part of your routine.

When you do this, you'll find yourself rejuvenated; you'll no longer thirst for hope and understanding.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heart seeking Your guidance.

Be my source of strength, motivation, and inspiration as I journey through life.

In moments when I try to carry my burdens alone, remind me that only You can truly sustain me and quench the thirst of my soul.

Make me a vessel of Your love and salvation, an overflowing well of hope to all around me.

Lord, bless me with Your wisdom and be my ever-present guide, leading me in Your perfect will.

In Your holy name, Amen.

My ultimate hope is that you get Closer to God through his Word.

Please share today's message with someone in your life who may need to hear it.

I'm praying for you out there; please pray for me.

Blessings, Thoughts, and Prayers!


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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