The Narrow Gate- Closer to God Newsletter

I'm blessed that you are here reading this message today!

I know the world can be better when we get Closer to God. We can do this easily by going to His Word in Scripture daily.

Jesus was the ultimate teacher, and his lessons are so valuable.

When he taught, he used parables and metaphors to make it easier for people to listen and comprehend.

The verse today is a special one. It speaks to how he wants us to live and the choices we make every day.

I know that when things don't go right in my life, it's often the cause of my decisions and how I live.

The culture we are surrounded by (TV, movies, books, music, social media, etc) can show us the popular way, but not necessarily the right way.

Jesus wants us to make the right choices and live the way of his Word.

As we reflect on our purpose and explore the reasons behind our dissatisfaction, it's important to reevaluate our direction and see what path we're on...

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it."


Matthew 7: 13-14 · New International Version

Here's a Brief Background...

This verse is from the book of Matthew in the New Testament. It's part of what's known as Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, in chapters 5-7 of this book.

This specific sermon is widely identified with Jesus teaching moral and spiritual directives that help guide people toward living a righteous life.

Jesus metaphorically uses two paths, one that is easy and leads to destruction and another that is difficult, narrow, and not traveled as much and leads to life.

The gates are the choices we make and choose to walk through...

Let's Break It Down...

"Enter through the Narrow Gate."

Here, Jesus is being direct. He's telling us what to do to receive salvation. There's no guesswork here. He starts his teaching point by telling us what gate to go after. He loves us and wants to save us.

"For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it."

Jesus explains in simple terms the ways of this world. It's too easy to sin over and over. The road to destruction (living in sinful ways) is wide; many follow it. The gate is big and wide, too, and so many people go through it.

"But small is the gate, and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Living a righteous life and trying to avoid sin and destruction is difficult. Don't worry, though. It is achievable with God as your priority in life. The gate is small, the road narrow, but the reward is eternal. Jesus points to the "few" as the counterculture of this world, and so many want to take the easy way and avoid the narrow road.

Let's Put It Into Action...

Make Scripture a Part of Your Life.

Jesus knew choosing the right path wouldn't be easy, but "all scripture is God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible and scripture serve as the handbook and road map for how to live, given to us by God. They demonstrate his love for us. When we prioritize scripture in our lives, we confidently embark on the narrow path.


The best way to communicate with God is through prayer. Plain and simple. He wants a relationship with us, and by talking to him, we get clarity and know we are not alone in our struggles. When we pray, we let go and let God take over. Praying opens the narrow gate for us.

Obey God's Instruction.

Once we make His Word a part of our lives, we must listen and obey what he tells us. God is speaking to us directly through His Word. When we follow his instruction, we follow the "narrow path," and he is right beside us in all our decisions and choices.

Repent and Be Humble.

We will stumble and struggle. It's part of living in this world of temptation. If we fall, we must get back up, repent for our sins, and practice humility. We may fall off the narrow path, but we can get back on by being humble, admitting our wrongs, learning from them, and repenting.

Perseverance in Trials.

Giving up cannot be an option. We need to persevere in God's love and instruction. He wants us to succeed. The promise of eternal life and being with him forever is a gift of grace. When trials arrive, we must double down on his message and love for us.

To Put It All Together...

Jesus unfolds rich, valuable teachings in his Sermon on the Mount. This verse adds vital context to his message and calls us to assess our spiritual journey critically.

The underlying theme here is that he knows choices will be challenging, so he tells us how to get the life we deserve.

Choosing the right path to life is often complicated and unpopular in this chaotic world.

Being with him and aspiring to be like him takes work.

It requires dedication, sacrifice, and perseverance.

Jesus also reminds us in (John 16:33) that you can trust him and His Word because he overcame this world.

If we follow His Word, practice and live his teachings, we can find the narrow gate and walk right to him.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Dear Jesus,
You are my Lord and Savior, and I’m asking for your help to guide me through the "narrow gate" that leads to true life.

The world often pulls me in the wrong direction, offering me wide paths that look easy but only lead to regret and destruction.

I don’t want that, Lord. I want You—your love, peace, and way in my life.

Help me walk in your footsteps, to love instead of hate, and to choose light over darkness.

I know the world is filled with challenges and voices that say the opposite of what You’ve taught me. But deep down, I know your way is the only way that leads to real life and joy.

Show me that path, guide me through, and strengthen my heart.

In your name, I trust and pray, Amen.

I hope this message helps you make better choices in life and brings you Closer to God.

Please share this with others and spread the news that God loves us and wants us to have the best life, with joy and happiness.

Remember, I'm praying for you, and please pray for me.

Have a blessed day today!


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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