Humility- Closer to God Newsletter

It's an honor to have you here today! The goal here is simple- Let's get Closer to God through scripture.

Today, we will explore one of the central themes woven in both the Testaments in the Bible- Humility.

What exactly is humility? How can we learn to be more humble in this world?

Good questions, right?

Simply put, humility is the quality of not being proud or arrogant. Being humble is setting others before you and your needs.

In a religious context, it's submitting yourself before God, following obedience, and being more respectful of yourself and others.

How can we be more humble? Well, we'll look into this more now as we turn to the New Testament and the Book of Philippians for today's verse...

"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."


Philippians 2: 3-4 · New Living Translation

Here's a Brief Background...

The Apostle Paul wrote this particular passage for a community of Christians in Philippi in ancient Greece.

Like the other letters he's written, he pens this one while in prison at the time, but you wouldn't know it.

Despite his predicament, Paul's correspondence is upbeat, with themes of joy, unity, and humility.

Promoting a life worthy of Jesus Christ.

He writes to them, thanking them for their support, and also provides them with guidance in the ways of humility.

He teaches them to consider putting others over themselves and look out for others' interests over their own.

Let's Break It Down...

"Don't be selfish, don't try to impress others." Try to live a life of honesty and look to other's needs. There is no need to impress. True love and friendship is when someone accepts the essence of who you are.

"Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves." Practicing humility requires shifting your mindset away from self-centeredness. Instead, could you put the needs of others ahead of your own?

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too." By putting others ahead of us, we can serve purposefully in our lives. It also provides us with a different perspective to consider in every situation that presents itself.

Take Some Action...

Here are some ideas to help us practice humility in our lives each day:

Start Some Self-Reflection: Look inward. Are your actions motivated by your needs or by others?

Serve Others: This is one, if not the best, way to practice humility. Offer up your time and services to others without expecting anything in return. Just listen to a friend or volunteer your time.

Practice Being Humble: Take notice that you can learn from everyone. Could other's opinions be more important than yours? Practice listening more than speaking.

Lift Others Up: Encourage people with kind words of support. Build others up with compliments. Recognize what they have done to make the world a better place. Support their dreams and aspirations.

Practice Empathy: Even when disagreeing with someone, try to see it from their perspective. Put yourself in their situation. Be compassionate with them and their views.

Get Some Accountability: Find a friend to help you become accountable with humility. Ask them to help you practice being humble, even if it requires them to kindly correct if you stray from the humble path.

To Sum it All Up...

Yes, we live in an incredibly fast-paced world where humility doesn't come naturally.

It takes time, patience, and the will to look at others' needs before ours.

The best way to look at it is by actually looking at the next verse that follows these in scripture:

"You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had."

If we believe and follow the way of Jesus, we see his example of living the way he did, as a servant, putting others before him.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Dear Lord Jesus, my Savior,

I long to live a life of true humility, just as You have shown us.

In a world where pride often takes center stage, guide me to walk a different path—a path that reflects Your heart.

Help me find my way in this journey, where practicing humility can feel so challenging.

Open my ears to truly listen to others, to hear their hopes, desires, and dreams, and to support them with genuine love and understanding.

Teach me the beauty of putting others before myself, serving wholeheartedly, and growing into the person You created me to be.

With Your grace, may I always remember that true greatness comes from lifting others up. Amen.

I truly hope today's verse and message has brought you Closer to God.

If you know someone in your life that needs to see this email, pass it along to them.

Have a blessed week ahead, please pray for me, and know that I'm praying for you!

Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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