From Hurt to Healing- Closer to God Newsletter

I hope you had a relaxing Labor Day weekend.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to get Closer to God with me.

Each week, we delve into a verse from scripture that directly relates to our daily lives, and you'll be amazed by the positive impact it can have on you!

This week, we'll look at how anger and hate can take over our relationships and lives if we let it.

We'll see how scripture, despite its ancient origins, remains profoundly relevant to our modern lives.

Here are some questions to set the stage:

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were wronged, and the thought of retaliation crossed your mind?

Have you ever held a grudge when somebody has mistreated you?

It's a normal reaction to want "revenge" in some manner; after all, how many plots promote it in the books and movies we read and watch?

The truth is, that's not the way God wants us to live, and since he first delivered laws to humanity, he has wanted us to react differently.

Let's go to the Old Testament, in the book of Leviticus, to explore his message....

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. "


Leviticus 19:18 · New International Version

Here's a Brief Background...

This verse is located within a broader section, often called the Holiness Code.

This section of the Bible is part of the Torah, one of the five books for the foundational legal and ethical texts of the Jewish faith, and Christians have also embraced it as part of the Old Testament.

The Holiness Code is a compilation of laws and commandments given by God to the Israelites through Moses on Mount Sinai.

Let's Break It Down...

The scripture delivered in the Old Testament still holds truth and weight today,

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people."... God tells us right away that hate, anger, and frustration against others is no way to live. It has no place in our hearts, and we will never be able to live the life he intended for us if we hold on to hate, especially when someone does us wrong.

"But love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord." From the beginning, God has always said it: Love is the answer, and love is the way. Only by actively practicing love for one another will we find the salvation and peace he has planned for us.

Let's Put It Into Action...

How can we put love in our hearts instead of anger and revenge? Here's some great ways to start:

Start Embracing Forgiveness. Don't hold on to grudges when someone treats you wrongly. Let go of the anger and frustration you feel. Actively practice being kind and forgiving others.

Show Your Love. Go out of your way to help and be kind to others. Be a listening ear for a friend who needs you. Help a neighbor in need. Showing love for others helps reset your mind and attitude.

Practice Empathy. Try to understand how others feel and respond lovingly. Be thoughtful, and put yourself in their shoes. Show compassion, and this promotes "loving your neighbor as yourself."

Get Involved. You can disarm anger or frustration when you openly volunteer to help others. This behavior benefits everyone around you. You will feel good about yourself, and hate will no longer have a foothold in your life.

Teach and Share with Others. Take what you've learned through positive experiences and educate others. Share your stories and feelings of love and compassion. Spread your enthusiasm as people see you live a life of love and kindness daily.

To Put It All Together...

If "loving your neighbor as yourself" sounds familiar, it should be.

Jesus taught this in (Matthew 22-37-39) as one of the two greatest commandments, alongside the first one of loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul.

He was going all the way back to the scripture in Leviticus to show us the way.

If you love someone as much as you love yourself, there is no room for hate in your life.

Respond with love and kindness, and in the end, you'll see things go from hurt to healing.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please cleanse my heart of all hatred and bitterness.

When I am faced with anger from others, grant me the strength to respond with love and compassion.

Please help me to release any grudges and the desire for retribution against those who have wronged me.

Remind me that "hurt people, hurt people," and empower me to rise above hatred, becoming a beacon of your love and grace.

Fill me with the patience and wisdom to resist reacting in anger, and guide me to live the life of love you designed for me.


I hope today's message is helpful to you.

It's hard in this world where so many react out of insecurity and defense instead of love and kindness.

Remember, God's word is here to help.

Every day, all the time.

Just be receptive to his message.

Please share this with others. Always know that I'm praying for you!

Have a blessed day out there,


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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