Chasing the Wind- Closer to God Newsletter

I'm so grateful you are here today. I hope you can grow Closer to God through scripture in your life.

Let's take a verse from the Bible and see how it can change our lives.

You'll see how God's word can give us the guidance and peace of mind we need in our world.

Today, I wanted to touch on a topic that comes up many times in the Bible, and for good reason.

Trouble occurs in our lives when we find ourselves wanting more and not appreciating what we already have.

It can be easy to take what God has provided for us for granted, which is why we need to apply his wisdom to our mindset.

Let's visit the Old Testament again this week for some excellent knowledge from King Solomon.

"Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless- like chasing the wind. "


Ecclesiastes 6:9 · New Living Translation

Here's a Brief Background...

This is from the book of Ecclesiastes, which comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew name "Qoheleth," which means "Teacher."

Much of this book of wisdom is attributed to King Solomon of Israel, and I've referred a lot to him in the past because so much of what he says is timeless. We still relate to his wisdom today.

This book ultimately teaches that fulfillment and lasting happiness are found in God and recognizes that human wisdom and endeavors have their limits.

Let's Break It Down...

Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have... If we spend our time wisely, concentrating on what we have instead of what we don't have, we will feel and live in a positive mindset. Is the glass half empty? Or half full?

Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless- like chasing the wind... Sure, I know, dreaming can be fun and entertaining, but there's a point where desiring things you can't get can lead to depression and unfulfillment; yes, it can feel unattainable, like chasing the wind.

Take Some Action...

How can we "flip the script" on wanting what we can't obtain or don't need? Here are some suggestions.

Get Good with Gratitude.

Take inventory of what you have in life for which you are grateful. Start developing an attitude of truly appreciating what you have instead of what you don't. Pray to God and thank him for all he has provided for you.

Live in the Moment.

Be present in the here and now. Try to stop worrying about what you may or may not have in the future. Enjoy what you can do with what you have right now. You'll find you'll enjoy the present more, when you're not worrying about the past or the future.

Make Realistic Goals.

Make sure you are sensible and realistic in your goals. It's good to dream big but realize what is obtainable and what is not without sacrifice. Take small, achievable steps toward goals, and include God's word in your decision-making.

Stop Comparing.

When we start comparing ourselves to other people, that's when it becomes unhealthy. We need to monitor our exposure to things like social media, where we get a non-stop flow of unrealistic information all at once or gossiping in general. Depression and inadequacy can set in when we compare our lives to others

Go to Scripture.

Always remember that God's word through scripture is the best guide to living and making good choices. When you find yourself desiring what you don't have, go to the Bible, and seek out passages such as ​Philippians 4:12 where the apostle Paul talks about being content in life no matter what happens.

To Sum it All Up...

It's easy to chase after things that are beyond reach, and if you're not careful, it can take over your life.

I feel the true lesson here is just what the passage says in the beginning- Enjoy what you have.

Take the time to be thankful for what God has provided for you.

If you see what you have every day, such as your health, home, job, or finances, your life has many rewards.

Most importantly, you find your true relationship with God and his Word that will direct you through life and provide wisdom and peace.

Here's a Prayer For You...

"Jesus, my Lord and Savior,

Help me find true contentment in what I already have.

Quiet the longing for things I don't need or can't have, and free me from the endless chase for more.

Give me the grace to see that You are all I truly need and that Your word is enough to sustain me.

Thank you for being my constant source of positivity and wisdom."


If today's message resonates with you, please pass it along to others who may benefit from it.

I hope you have a great week ahead.

Please remember that my prayers are with you.

Have a blessed day out there!


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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