Be Generous- Closer to God Newsletter

Let's take some time today to make God's Word a part of our lives.

Yes, our lives have more meaning and purpose when we get Closer to God and understand his message for us.

Thank you for making this letter a part of your day!

Today, we will examine the meaning of generosity. Join me as we delve into the profound impact of giving and kindness.

The feeling you receive when you help someone is an incredible gift itself and shows how God's love for us can make a difference for those all around us.

Last week, we interpreted a verse in scripture from Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount.

Today, we'll continue his teaching with another passage from another sermon that points out the benefits of giving to others and how it shapes our lives spiritually....

"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full- pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."


Luke 6:38 · New Living Translation

Here's a Brief Background...

This verse comes from the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament. It focuses on the specific teaching from Jesus, the Sermon on the Plain.

After spending the night in prayer on a mountainside and choosing the Twelve Apostles, Jesus came down with them to a level place where a large crowd of His disciples and a significant number of people from all over Judea and Jerusalem had gathered to hear Him.

The focus of this sermon was to contrast the world's values with the values of God's kingdom, along with highlighting his instruction on love, judgment, forgiveness, and giving.

Let's Break It Down...

Give, and you will receive.

Jesus is direct in his teaching here. When you give it to others, you will receive it back. The feeling you get when helping others is indescribable. It conveys all the love, goodness, and grace God provides for us.

Your gift will return to you in full- pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.

In this passage, Jesus uses an analogy. In Old Testament times, "pressing down" was a method used to measure grain. This involved packing the grain tightly into a container to ensure the fullest measure possible. The main idea here is that the gifts we receive will be abundant and meaningful.

The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

You will receive the same in return, no matter how big or small the amount of generosity you give. It’s not merely a material transaction but a spiritual principle that when you give freely, you open yourself up to also receive.

Take Some Action...

Cultivate a Generous Heart.

Let's start with a heartfelt prayer, inviting God to cultivate a generous spirit within us. Generosity goes beyond mere actions; it reflects a genuine desire to positively impact others' lives without seeking anything in return.

Make Giving a Priority.

Consider how you can positively impact the lives of others. There are numerous ways to help meet someone's needs. You can offer financial assistance through charitable organizations or support mission work. Keep in mind that your time, attention, and talents can be the most meaningful ways to provide help.

Adopt a Lifestyle of Generosity.

Make generosity a lifestyle rather than a one-time thing. This could involve finding ways to positively impact someone's life on a regular basis. Consider volunteering more frequently or incorporating it into your weekly routine. Another option is to dedicate time each day to listen to a friend or perform random acts of kindness for others.

Take Time to Reflect.

Think about the incredible impact of your generosity on others and the profound spiritual growth it brings you. Embrace giving as essential to your connection with God and as a way to mirror Jesus' life.

To Sum it All Up...

It does feel better to give than receive, and God promises that when we practice generosity, we get so much more back spiritually.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a try! There's nothing quite as fulfilling as lending a hand to someone in need without expecting anything in return.

This is how we can ultimately make the world a better place.

We embody the message of God's love and caring in scripture when we reach out and help others.

Our hearts are transformed when we give willingly and cheerfully, not out of guilt or compulsion.

We live the Word of God and love others more when generosity becomes a natural part of our everyday lives.

Here's a Prayer For You...

Lord Jesus, my Savior,

I come before You with a heart open to transformation. Help me embody the spirit of generosity in all that I do.

You have shown us that giving is far better than receiving, and I long to reflect that truth in my daily walk.

Open my eyes to the needs around me, and give me the courage and compassion to be a vessel of Your love—offering strength, support, and encouragement to those who are weary.

Please grant me the wisdom to recognize opportunities to give, even when it requires sacrifice.

Let generosity flow from me as naturally as Your grace flows into my life.

May my hands be ready to serve, my heart eager to uplift, and my spirit filled with the joy of giving.

In Your precious name, I pray,

I hope today's message compels you to give more from your heart and see firsthand how it helps others.

God loves you, provides for you, and wants you to share his love.

Be that person, that guiding light that spreads his message and generosity.

Please share this with someone you know would love to hear it.

Pray for me, and I'll be praying for you.

May God's grace bless your life.


Quentin Schappa Coaching

I'm Quentin and I guide individuals in deepening their relationship with God. By growing in spiritual maturity, and incorporating disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture study into their daily lives, they can not only find their true purpose, but face the challenges of everyday life. Subscribe now to get the Closer to God Newsletter.

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